Hi there! I’m Mari Gold, a tech worker by day, and in my spare time, I enjoy learning about plants and herbs in our natural world and how I can turn to Mother Earth to live my best life. 

My relationship with the natural world means that I choose herbals, teas, plants, flowers and berries for use in remedies that are much safer in treating the body without side effects.   I’ve always been committed to a healthy lifestyle but I realize in each passing year of my life, that the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, while noble,  never comes with any guarantees. 

I joyfully live on 20 acres in Central Idaho with my beloved husband.   We have had domestic pets in the past including Red Queensland Heelers and many feline family members.   For now we are streamlined into a life with pets that roam the planet freely, like Whitetail Deer, Elk, Bunny Rabbits, Bird Life, Bees and Butterflies.   

Throughout the year, depending on the season, I forage for medicinal plant matter such as Rosehip, Yarrow and Hawthorne blossoms, various berries, leaves, flowers, and herbs.   The sheer joys of learning how herbs, plants and natural substances can be used in the application of remedies and in making products that I can use for beauty and household products, is in my personal opinion, a better approach than buying many of consumer products that are full of chemicals and toxins. 

I started this website to document recipes for general household and personal beauty products that match my own preferred holistic approach to living a healthy life.   

To build a base of knowledge, I read articles when I’m not working on tech projects in my home office, typically early morning, after dinner at night and on weekends.    I enjoy getting outside foraging herbs and berries, wild flowers and plants that feeds my obsession with this hobby.  

Though the approach I’m taking with MarigoldOutpost.com may seem a little offbeat, its where I’m headed into the future.   To explain,  I decided to help business people to zero in on the Artificial Intelligence Business Tools that can help them promote their own business endeavors and I’m using the healthy lifestyle and natural medicinals to showcase these outstanding methods to get business tasks done faster for any type of business.   

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